Saturday, August 17, 2024

COUNCIL: Pekka Kuusisto & Gabriel Kahane


COUNCIL: Gabriel Kahane & Pekka Kuusisto.

Presented by Musica Viva – Llewellyn Hall, Canberra, 15th August, 2024.

Reviewed by BILL STEPHENS.

Even in the vast Llewellyn Hall, watching and listening to a concert by Council (Pekka Kuusisto & Gabriel Kahane) felt a little like being an invited guest sitting in a music studio while two gifted friends tested and teased the possibilities of a special collaboration.

Both are skilled musicians from very different backgrounds. Finnish violinist, composer and conductor Pekka Kuusisto is the Artistic Director of the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and Principal Guest Conductor and Artistic Co-Director of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. American Gabriel Kahane is an accomplished singer/songwriter and collaborator who has worked with many of America’s leading arts institutions.  

Both have a passion for musical experimentation and this program is largely the result of several writing retreats during which the duo developed this evening of intimate and sonically varied songs and chamber music.  

Gabriel Kahane 

Kahane immediately established a feeling of informality by asking that the houselights be turned up so that the duo could talk to the audience and see its response to their music, explaining ‘music is a social act’.   

Their dialogue certainly had the appearance of being unrehearsed, as every so often one or the other would be reduced to giggles by some spontaneous remark made while describing an item.  In performance, each watched and listened to the other intently, often responding with delight at some beautifully rendered passage, or perhaps some new musical discovery. 

There was nothing unrehearsed about the music however. Each is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist. Kuusisto favoured his Golden Period Stradivarius violin, (Why wouldn’t you? ) but swapping it, often mid-composition, for electric violin (for looping) often contributing intriguing vocal embellishments and haunting whistling when not joining Kahane with  exquisite Simon and Garfunkel style harmonies.

Pekka Kuusisto

Kahane appeared most comfortable behind the keyboard of the grand piano or accompanying on the electric guitar, and taking turns sharing an unusual harmonium with Kuuisto.  

The program was delightfully varied in style and mood; mostly original compositions with pithy titles like Blue, Tetris, Bright Forms and Oh Cousin.

The program began with a composition called Old Wounds which commenced slowly with Kuusisto introducing looping effects, while Kahane seated at the grand piano, sang the lyrics in his clear, sweet light baritone which was superbly displayed later in a pretty song entitled Unicorn Glove.

Midway through the program, Kuusisto gave his Stradivarius a work-out with a superb rendition of the 3rd movement from J.S.Bach’s Violin Sonata in A major, which they then contrasted with a fascinating composition Material in 2 keys by contemporary American composer, Nico Muhly.

Two more original compositions, Crawlspace and At Zero  demonstrated the duo’s mastery of sonic and harmonic invention, before they then set toes tapping with a dazzling display of traditional Irish folk music with a piece  entitled Irish Coffee.

An amusing lecture by Kuusisto on how to ensure an encore, preceded two more of Council’s multi-faceted original songs before they quietly exited the stage leaving their bemused audience slightly hypnotised by the final fading looping notes of the last of their multisonic creations - a soothing piece entitled appropriately, Lullaby.  

As unexpectedly entertaining as it was musically rewarding, Council’s program and presentation was definitely one for the musically adventurous. As such it is likely to linger in the memory of those who experienced it long after those of many more conventional concerts have faded. 

Council: Gabriel Kahane & Pekka Kuusisto in performance.

Photos by James Grant.

This review also published in AUSTRALIAN ARTS REVIEW,