Friday, August 9, 2024



By Omar Musa & Mariel Roberts

Q The Locals at the B Theatre, Queanbeyan 8 August


Reviewed by Len Power


Described as a “spoken word oratorio”, The Offering is an often head-spinning journey on themes such as environmental destruction, climate change, Southeast Asian colonial history, belonging and borderlessness.

Combining storytelling, poetry, hip hop, and live music with sound recordings made in Bornean forests and coral reefs, it’s a sensual and demanding work that requires close attention. A multitude of ideas and reflections jostle with autobiography, a sense of cultural and historical uneasiness and a cry of concern for the state of our world.

Award-winning Australian author, poet and rapper, Omar Musa, and internationally renowned American cellist and composer, Mariel Roberts have combined their strengths in words and music to present an uncompromising, dark, sensual and yet strangely optimistic view of our world.

Omar Musa

Omar Musa is a charismatic performer with boundless energy. Moving easily from storytelling to poetry to song, he has a powerful presence that demands and holds your attention. There is nothing remote about him. He can change quickly from intense orator to local lad in an instant, his disarming smile and down to earth manner is often as surprising as it is unexpected.


Mariel Roberts

Mariel Roberts shows that she is clearly a cellist of international standard. The soundscape she has developed to accompany Omar’s words creates an extraordinary atmosphere that matches and adds another dimension of its own. Watching her playing, the sounds and music that she can produce from her instrument are astounding.

Mariel Roberts and Omar Musa

The Offering is a unique, thoughtful and colourful view of the world through words and music. Cleverly presented in modern forms that appeal to the audience of today, it’s a journey to remember.


Photos by Nana Franck

Len Power's reviews are also broadcast on Artsound FM 92.7 in the ‘Arts Cafe’ and ‘Arts About’ programs and published in his blog 'Just Power Writing' at