Thursday, May 9, 2024



Written by Alan Ball

Directed by Steph Roberts

ACT Hub Theatre, Kingston to 18 May


Reviewed by Len Power 8 May 2024


“I may be a slut, but I have standards!” declares one of the characters in ACT Hub’s new play, “Five Women Wearing The Same Dress”. While a Knoxville, Tennessee wedding rages on downstairs, five bridesmaids avoid the festivities by hiding out together in an upstairs bedroom. Over time, these very different women discover that they have more in common with each other than with the bride.

Written by American, Alan Ball, in 1993, the play is a celebration of the spirit of women. It’s very funny, truthful and ultimately touching as these women open up about their lives in a space where they feel safe and unobserved.

The ensemble cast of women, Winsome Oglivie, Kelly Roberts, Hannah Lance, Kristy Griffin and Charley Allanah, as well as Joel Horwood, the only male character, who appears late in the play, all deliver fine, in-depth characterisations.

Director, Steph Roberts, has achieved a high level of truth in performance, keeping the action flowing naturally in the restricted environment of a small bedroom.

The in-the-round setting, designed and constructed by Chris Zuber, works perfectly. A voyeuristic feeling is achieved with the audience surrounding the set on three sides.

Then there are the bridesmaid’s costumes. Designer, Fiona Leach, has produced a dress so perfectly awful in colour and design, that she might be in danger of starting a new fashion!

This is a refreshingly funny and truthful show, well-written, very well performed and directed. You need to get yourself invited to this wedding!

Photos by Ben Appleton, Photox Photography Services 

Len Power's reviews are also broadcast on Artsound FM 92.7 in the ‘Arts Cafe’ and ‘Arts About’ programs and published in his blog 'Just Power Writing' at